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Headteacher: Miss Tammy Docking

Whistley Hill, Ashburton, TQ13 7DW

01364 652343

Ashburton Primary School is Open Again Today.


Regular and punctual attendance is crucial to each child's educational development. Our aim is for all children to have attendance of at least 97% to enable them to make the most of their learning opportunities.


If your child is ill, we ask you to ring school on the first day of absence before 9.00am and on every subsequent day your child is not as school to comply with safeguarding. 


For common illnesses the school follows recommendations from the South West Peninsula Health Protection Unit (known as the ”Spotty Book”).  For cases of diarrhoea and/or vomiting we require children to stay off for 48 hours to avoid spreading infection. 


We are unable to authorise any other absence from school except under exceptional circumstances, which does not normally include family holidays. If you wish to apply for an absence, please request a form from the office well in advance so that this can be given due consideration. The form is also available to download below. Our Attendance Policy can be found in the 'Policy' section of our website.


Where a pupil’s absence is unexplained, we are obliged to investigate this and the absence may be recorded as 'unauthorised’. We are also obliged to monitor and report late attendance at school. We work closely with the County's ‘Education Welfare Officer’ to monitor incidences of high absenteeism.  Parents/Carers can also contact the Education Welfare officer (01392 287223) if you have concerns about your child's attendance or you require support. 
