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Headteacher: Miss Tammy Docking

Whistley Hill, Ashburton, TQ13 7DW

01364 652343

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Sports Premium

PE Vision Intent for Ashburton Primary School

The intent of our PE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that:

All children are INSPIRED to develop their talents and love learning about all aspects of the PE Curriculum

Children BELIEVE in themselves and their abilities;

Children DISCOVER and enjoy a wide range of experiences;

Children ACHIEVE their full potential in PE

Children BELONG to a caring community, which celebrates the enjoyment in being active.

At Ashburton Primary School, Physical Education, Daily Physical Activity and School Sport (PEDPASS) enables our children to become physically confident in a way which supports their lifelong health and fitness and embeds values of fairness and respect. It aims to ensure that all pupils develop the competence to achieve in a broad range of physical activities and can be physically active for sustained periods of time. Our children are encouraged to engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives.

Here at Ashburton Primary School, PE and sport is an important part of each and every day. DPA (Daily Physical Activity) is encouraged in all classes and it is an opportunity for the children to have a 'brain break' whilst improving their fitness and energy levels. Through the Dartmoor School Sports Partnership, we are fortunate to have access to a range of sports coaches who support us in delivering high quality teaching to the children in a range of different sports. Children are encouraged to be active after school and throughout the year we have a range of school clubs running including: football, Dartmoor 3Ball, gymnastics and multi-skills. Although we enjoy taking part in a range of competitions and tournaments, our main aim is for as all of our children to have physical opportunities  and develop a life-long desire to be active and healthy.

Sport Premium Funding

Sport Premium Funding is money allocated to schools, from the government, to improve the provision of PE and School Sport. This funding is allocated directly to schools and can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools. 


Objectives of the Sport Premium Funding

The objectives of improving PE and School Sport include:

  • Engaging all pupils in regular physical activity that will enable them to have a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Increasing the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • Providing opportunities for children to experience a range of sports and activities
  • Increasing participation in competitive sporting activities.


How is the Sport Premium spent at Ashburton Primary School?


The funding is used to:

  • Support our teachers to deliver high quality PE lessons
  • Increase pupil participation at events
  • Encourage children to be more active throughout the school day, including playtimes and lunchtimes
  • Increase the range of sports and opportunities offered to children
  • Provide extra-curricular clubs
  • Purchase resources for PE.


Part of our funding is used to subscribe to the Dartmoor School Sport Partnership (DSSP) and we are therefore able to participate in sporting festivals and competitions as well as receive support from other teachers and PE specialists to developing learning and teaching in PE.

