Home Page

Headteacher: Miss Tammy Docking

Whistley Hill, Ashburton, TQ13 7DW

01364 652343

Welcome to Ashburton Primary School's Website


Dear Parents and Carers,

Our PE sessions in the hall will commence on Tuesday 27th September.

PE kits with a school jumper should be worn to school every Tuesday thereafter.


The Outdoor learning session will begin on Wednesday 28th September.

Suitable outdoor clothing can be worn on these days. Please also bring in, named wellies and a waterproof jacket.


Our learning overview for, 'All About Me'.

A warm welcome to the new school year in Reception class.  I am looking forward to getting to know you all.


Our indoor PE time is on a Tuesday so the children will require named, plimsolls for these sessions.  These can left in school, in a clearly named PE bag.

We will also be doing outdoor learning on a Wednesday afternoon so named, wellies and a waterproof jacket will be needed for these sessions.


The children are allowed to bring some fruit or cereal for their morning play snack. No nuts please. Fruit and milk will also be provided if the children want it.

A named water bottle is also required for the children to be able to drink whenever they want to.


Please ensure that your child brings their book bag, with reading record, to school each day as they will be regularly taking home books and the sound that they have learned each day.


We will be doing lots of junk modelling throughout the year, so boxes, magazines and clean recyclable materials are most welcome.  Additionally any cutting or plants would be fabulous to enhance our outdoor space


Information will be shared regularly on our class page so watch this space.



Welcome back to school for Summer term 2.

Our PE days will continue to be on Monday and Tuesday so please come to school dressed in PE kit.

Our outdoor learning sessions will also continue on Wednesdays, so please wear suitable outdoor clothing.  Also bring in your wellies (named please).


Summer term learning overviews.

Please also note that our PE days are on Monday and Tuesday.

Outdoor learning- Wednesday afternoons. 

Please come to school dressed in appropriate outdoor clothing.  Please also bring named wellies and a waterproof coat.

Dear Parents and Carers, our PE days are on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. 

We will mostly be outside but we have a hall slot if it is raining.


Spring term Medium Term Planning

Friday 18th February 2022 - Remote Learning


Hello, Reception! I hope you are all well on this blustery Friday morning.

Here is your remote learning for today. All I can ask for is that you try your best and you do what you can. Today would be an excellent opportunity to share some stories with the wonderful people in your house. If you would like to, you can draw a picture of one of your favourite book characters and we can display it in the classroom after half term.


Well done and thank you for working exceptionally hard this half-term, you should be extremely proud of yourselves. Happy Friday my lovelies and have an excellent half term!

Mrs Williams


W/b 15.02.21 PE. School Lockdown Challenge. Dear Reception, we have a fun PE challenge set by Becky Mason, the school PE advisor. Here is a Youtube link to explain the task further and a personal log.

08.01.21 EYFS Daily online learning timetable.

07.01.21 EYFS daily online learning timetable

07.01.21. English PowerPoint to accompany the lesson. 'The Amazing Adventures of Max'.

         Maths- Comparing and sorting.


          English- Share the story and order the events.

          Use the attached PowerPoint as a guide to complete task 2.


         Phonics- Read, Write Inc.  Follow the individual links sent to parents email address.



         3pm Story time with Mrs Williams.


Good morning Reception class children, parents and carers. I hope you are well and keeping busy. Today is the first of our online meet ups and learning tasks. I have attached today's links to access the learning online.  You can also find these links on our Reception TEAMS page.

You will also have been sent an email with log in details to access today's phonics session for your child.

Should you wish to at any point, I have also added a phonics task to our Education City site.


If you are struggling with finding passwords or email addresses, email the admin team at school and assistance will be given.

I look forward to seeing you online soon. Best wishes, Mrs Williams 


06.01.21 EYFS learning timetable


A warm welcome back to the Spring term at Ashburton Primary school. 

Please find attached the half termly planning overview, 'Winter Wonderland'.


The children will also be having a weekly PE session in the School Hall on Tuesday afternoons.

Please ensure that a named PE kit is in school for these lessons.


We will be doing lots of outdoor learning in our brilliant school field and woodland area so please bring your named wellies back into school.  Also a warm coat and jumper!

Best wishes, Mrs Williams

Please find the link to the EYFS curriculum and Early Learning Goals document.

EYFS teaching and learning documents.

Non uniform for 'Children in Need day'.

Our 'Room on The Broom' learning environment.

Thursday 5th November

Dear Parents and Carers,

Passwords were sent home yesterday for two online learning resources- Education City and Numbots.

A Maths and English task will be set on Education City every Thursday.

Please let me know if you are having any troubles accessing this.

Best wishes, Mrs Williams

Reception, Autumn term, Home Learning.

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for extra information about reading at home and our Read, Write Inc teaching. 

Reception had a great half term, settling into school.  All of the children took part in lots of independent learning, both indoors and out. Here are some moments from our half term.

Dance Festival

Still image for this video

Reception Dance festival

Still image for this video
Here is a short video of our dance festival. We made up lots of great moves being 'Super Heros'.

Autumn term 1, learning.

Reception Home Learning 24.9.20

Please continue reading every day when possible.


Your child will bring home a library book every Friday. This is for you to read to them.


Soon you will also have a reading practice in your child's book bag most nights.

At the moment there will just be a sheet with letters to practice reading and writing.


Thank you for your brilliant home learning support. 


Our first day in Reception class.

A big, warm welcome to our new Reception class children and parents, it was fabulous finally meeting you all.

Here is our first photo in our new class.

