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Headteacher: Miss Tammy Docking

Whistley Hill, Ashburton, TQ13 7DW

01364 652343

Welcome to Ashburton Primary School's Website

Relgious Education

The intent of our RE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that:

All children are INSPIRED by the individual religions, significant events and festivals, significant individuals and love learning about all aspects of the RE Curriculum.

Children BELIEVE in themselves and their abilities and their rights and responsibilities.

Children DISCOVER and enjoy a wide range of experiences.

Children ACHIEVE their full potential in RE knowledge and empathetic understanding.

Children BELONG to a caring community, which is interested in the diverse religions and non-religions of Britain and the wider world, regardless of ethnicity or religion.


At Ashburton Primary School, Religious Education (RE) education enables our children to become informed, to think independently and to be responsible members of a society because of their understanding of religions, belief and non-religions.


Religious education is an essential part of education for students as it opens their minds to different beliefs and mind-sets that different people and cultures have around the world. It's extremely important for students to understand that their world-view is one of many.

Learning about different religions can help students to find purpose within their own lives, and can provide the opportunity to explore different religions and find meaning in things that they may not have found meaning in before.


RE Big Picture
