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Headteacher: Miss Tammy Docking

Whistley Hill, Ashburton, TQ13 7DW

01364 652343

Sports Day (hopefully!) on Monday 15th July for KS1 (morning) and KS2 (afternoon)

Year 1

Welcome to Year One


Class Teacher :   Mrs Wilson

Teaching Assistants All Day: 

Miss Hannaford and Mrs Hill



On Tuesday Mornings your class teacher will be Mrs McCauley

At other times Miss Mount may cover some lessons.

Welcome to Year One Autumn Term B. Please find our curriculum overviews for this half term. Please keep checking Class Dojo for photos and more information about what we are doing. Please feel welcome to contact me via, if you have any questions or if you have expertise linked to our curriculum, which you would like to share with our Year One pupils. I am keen to find as many ways as possible to bring the curriculum alive for them. Thank you. Mrs Wilson

Welcome to Year One Autumn Term 2023

Please remember to look at Class Dojo for photographs and updates about your child's learning.

Below, you will find the learning overviews for this half term. You will also find some useful information about reading.

Thank you for supporting yourt child's learning journey. Please feel very welcome to contact me at any time via the school office@

Mrs Wilson

10 Ways to get better at reading: Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read

Year One Home Learning

Please read every day. 

In your child's book bag there will be a new library book every Friday. Library books are for you to share and read to your child. They will often be beyond your child's current reading ability.

Every htree days or every five day (depending on which RWinc group your child is in), there will be different Read Write Inc books linked to our work in school. These books are for your child to read to you. 

We recommend re-reading books several times as this has been proven to build fluency and confidence.  

*** Please remember to sign so we know you have been able to read with your child. Thank you. 

Numbots for Maths

In the front of your child's reading record there is a login for Numbots. Numbots practises key Maths skills with lots of repetition so children are super confident. We use Numbots in school daily. However, we recommend children play on this game for 5 minutes a day at home as well. 

Oracy Homework

Each week your child will receive an Oracy homework via Parent Mail. If your child has siblings, the homework is the same. Please enjoy the activities set and Mrs Gilbert will follow up on the activities as part of the Oracy assembly on Thursdays each week. 

If you have any questions about Home Learning in Year One, please speak to Mrs Wilson


Welcome to Spring Term A 2022. Please find this term's overviews below. 

Welcome to Autumn Term B. Please find all our learning overviews below. 
