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Headteacher: Miss Tammy Docking

Whistley Hill, Ashburton, TQ13 7DW

01364 652343

Welcome to Ashburton Primary School's Website

Year 6

smileyWelcome to Year 6smiley

Year 6

Mrs Helen Roser (Mon/Tues/Fri)
    Mrs Sonia McCauley (Weds/Thurs)
Mrs Sophie Mount (PPA Tuesday pm)
Teaching assistant: 
Mrs Trapp


Home-Learning for Y6:

Daily reading (20mins at least)

English/Maths pages linked to learning

Spellings Y5/6 words/linked to learning

Oracy challenge to discuss with family and friends.

The weekly Oracy challenge is given out on Thursday and will then be discussed in assembly the following week.

All other home-learning is given out on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday.

Y6 Homework Club: Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes.


Y6 Class Timetable

If you have any questions about the curriculum or end of year expectations or would like more information about how you can help please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Helen Roser or Mrs Sonia McCauley.

Useful information about Accelerated Reader
