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Headteacher: Miss Tammy Docking

Whistley Hill, Ashburton, TQ13 7DW

01364 652343

Sports Day (hopefully!) on Monday 15th July for KS1 (morning) and KS2 (afternoon)

Census Day Thursday 16th May 2024




Dear Parents/Carers

The school census collects information like pupil’s background details, special educational needs, free school meals eligibility, as well as educational history. It helps determine core school funding, which pupils attract pupil premium, support for disadvantaged students, universal infant free school meals funding and free early year’s entitlement allocations.

So that we can maximise the funding for our school, all children who are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals (any child in Reception, Y1 or Y2), or Free School Meals, will automatically be ordered a lunch for this day. This is a great opportunity for any children who do not normally have school lunches to try out a tasty school meal - you will of course still be able to send your child with a packed lunch if you know they will definitely not eat what's on the menu, however, we would love for you encourage your child to try a lunch on this day. For this day we will be swapping our Friday and Thursday lunch menus. Therefore, Thursday’s menus will be as follows:

Option 1: Fish and Chips – Served with baked beans, crunchy vegetable sticks and chips.

Option 2: Cheesy Omelette (V) served with baked beans, crunchy vegetable sticks and chips.

Jacket Potato: with either cheese, beans or tuna mayo

Dessert: Oaty Sultana Cookies.

On Friday, we will be serving the Thursday menu.

Thank you for your support with this - it's very much appreciated.

Kind regards

The School Office
